Each Museum or Gallery is located in a Specific Context. It is therefore not possible to plan a standardised microclimate for this type of structure, since each environment is different and particular.
Each Context must be studied and analysed so that a suitable and satisfactory environmental comfort solution can be found, thus achieving our goals for the Conservation of Works of Art.
U.V. rays are one of the causes of discolouration and deformation of works of art, so natural light must be dosed in such a way that nothing is damaged.
At INTERTEC, we apply our special Anti-Solar Filters that allow natural light to enter without damaging the exhibits. They repel up to 99% of ULTRA VIOLET RAYS allowing light to enter the location and illuminate the environment while preserving the artwork.
Our Achievements

We can help you!
INTERTEC Sun Protection Films guarantee the rebalancing of the climate inside the rooms, drastically reducing (up to 50%) the costs of air conditioning, allowing those who work inside a better performance and allowing even in the winter months greater thermal insulation from the cold.